“It seems to me that we all look at Nature too much, and live with her too little.”
- Oscar Wilde

KayakTjongerTours is dedicated to the beauty of nature around the Tjongervallei and wants to contribute to the development of an environmentally friendly tourism.

The landscape with its natural beauty and picturesque quality has an enormous appeal, which you can enjoy in your kayak / canoe in peace.

KayakTjongerTours has several pick-up points. When booking you choose a route where you want to sail and the kayak is put on the starting point.

No experience is required for sailing in a kayak








Address: Langelilleweg 87, 8484 KH Langelille

Both locations provide ample parking space (free)

Address: Spangahoek 22 in Spanga

Both locations provide ample parking space (free)



Book your kayak now